Tandems flights for groups
Tandem flight is an easy, enjoyable and the fastest way of getting to know the beauty of paragliding. The members of your team experience the flight on one glider together with an experienced instructor. The advantage of the tandem flight is that the interested persons in this form of entertainment do not need to have any knowledge of paragliding and will experience an advanced flying without any training. The instructor is the one who is controlling the flight from the take-off until landing. During the activity the whole team is watching the happening in the air. The individuals waiting on the place of launching are cheering those waiting for the flight. The emotional state evoked by the strong experience during and after the flight naturally leads people to better fellowship, openness for relations, truthfulness and others pros for your team.
Contact us and we will be glad to discuss with you the advantages of the tandem flights for your corporate event more in detail. In case the terrains we use do not fit to the place of your corporate event, it is possible to find a suitable site for flying in the place of your request.